5 Tips to Beat Bloat and Nourish Your Body

5 Tips to Beat Bloat and Nourish Your Body

Bloat is a very common digestive abnormality many of us experience on a regular basis and often are met with the question “how can I reduce this feeling”. We can experience bloat for a variety of reasons. Some of those reasons include stress, eating too quickly, dehydration, consuming foods that don’t agree with us or overeating. This type of acute bloat can go away with a few tricks that we’ll discuss today but it is important to take note of how often you experience this type of bloat. Once it becomes chronic, we will want to pay closer attention to it. Chronic bloat can come from hormonal imbalances, digestive disorders and can even be a signal from the body that something worse may be manifesting. This is why it is essential that we get to the root cause of the bloat. 

Bloat can affect our quality of life in many ways: Poor sleep, lack of confidence, food fear and feeling out of control are just a few. The constant concern about food choices and the fear of triggering bloating can lead to anxiety around meals and may disrupt healthy eating patterns. Approximately 16% to 30% of the U.S. population experiences bloating, with women and those with other GI disorders often experiencing more frequent and severe symptoms. So if you thought you were alone on this, you absolutely are not. If you’re dealing with this today, trust me when I say that there is hope in feeling better. 

Today, we’ll discuss practical ways to alleviate and prevent your bloat on a daily basis so you can enjoy your Holidays, family and friend time, and a happy gut. 

Here are some of my best tips: 

1. Eat Mindfully

First things first, let's talk about how we eat. In today’s society we are often eating for productivity. We’ll have lunch at the desk, on our phone or in the car while we drive through traffic. But did you know that eating too quickly can cause you to swallow air, leading to bloating? Slow down, remove distractions, be thankful for the food in front of you and use this at personal time. It’s easier said than done, but it will make a great impact on your digestion.

Give yourself a week to practice this and journal down how you feel after your meals. Fight the urge to put the TV on when eating your dinner and just sit in silence (or with company) and show appreciation for the food you’re about to eat. It will absolutely show it back by alleviating any sorts of indigestion. 

2. Remove Additive Ingredients in Your Foods

Bloat is without a doubt also related to your diet. Many processed foods are loaded with additives and artificial ingredients that our bodies aren't designed to handle. These can disrupt our digestive system and lead to bloating. Try to stick to whole, natural foods as much as possible. Your body knows how to handle those. 

This is why I love nomz. I know I can trust the ingredients, satiate my body and expect better energy. Nomz only uses natural ingredients so you can ensure your body is being energized with quality foods. If you’re someone who bloats easily, I would highly recommend sticking to a snack with an ingredient list that you can understand. nomz's ingredient list is minimal, easy to understand and simply delicious. 

My personal favourite variety of nomz is their hazelnut! The ingredients are so simple: almonds, dates, fair trade cocoa, hazelnuts, sea salt. As a Nutritionist, I recommend nomz to my clients who suffer with bloat and are on the go often because of it’s true simplicity. You can keep this snack in your bag as a quick healthy source of nutrients during the day. 

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3. Drink Herbs That Support Digestion

I couldn’t write a blog post without mentioning my favourite topic: herbs! Certain herbs are known for their digestive benefits and can help reduce bloating. For instance, our Leaves teas are carefully crafted with herbs that support digestion and reduce bloat. So why not swap that afternoon coffee for a soothing cup of herbal tea? Some of my favourite de-bloating herbs are peppermint, ginger, fennel and chamomile. 

4. Walk on a Daily Basis

Movement is another key to beating bloat. Regular, gentle exercise like walking can help get your digestive system moving and reduce gas buildup. Plus, it's a great way to get some fresh air and clear your mind. I recommend aiming for a walk after each meal. If you are not someone who enjoys walking, try to go for a stroll around the neighbour after dinner at the least. Not only does this help with bloat, but it will also support blood sugar levels, your cardiovascular health and will prepare you for a better sleep.

5. Get Consistent Bowel Movements

This tip is debatably the most important one. Regular, healthy bowel movements are crucial for reducing bloating. If you are not going to the bathroom at least once a day, this is considered constipation. Yes.. once per day. 

If you are not going regularly, it can lead to a buildup of waste material that can cause bloating and discomfort. Drinking plenty of water and herbal teas, eating a diet rich in fiber, exercising regularly, and keeping stress low will help get you there. Keep in mind, everyone's body is different, so what works for one person may not work for another but these tips will give you a really great start. 

If you have not tried daily nourish superfood mix yet, this can be a really great fibre and nutrient mix to balance your body and give you those extra minerals of nourishment. I add this into my client protocols for those who bloat easily as digestive abnormalities are usually a sign of poor bowel health.

This mix is a perfect gut supporting formula. I like to enjoy it in a smoothie, in an oatmeal bowl or even sprinkled in a salad dressing! To add even more deliciousness, you can pair this in an oatmeal bowl with nomz pistachio butter! Oatmeal is a great option for those who experience constipation as the mucilaginous texture is extremely healing to the gut lining. 

To Recap

Remember, it is really important to listen to your body and the signals it is giving you. There’s a huge difference between acute bloat and chronic bloat. Acute bloating is a temporary condition often triggered by dietary factors or eating habits, causing discomfort that usually resolves on its own overnight. Chronic bloating, on the other hand, is a persistent condition that recurs over a longer period, and it may signal underlying health issues such as digestive disorders. While acute bloating is usually not a cause for concern, chronic bloating should be evaluated by a practitioner. 

I hope you learned some great tips from this post!

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