Top 9 Pistachio Butter Uses

key points
- Pistachios are full of healthy fats, fiber and potassium
- Pistachios have both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
- They are a versatile ingredient that can be used in both savoury and sweet meals
Our single-ingredient pistachio butter is the perfect way to incorporate delicious healthy fats into your diet. It’s smooth and creamy in texture; rich and nutty in flavor. Pistachios are packed with healthy fats, fiber and potassium, with both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Pistachio butter is a versatile ingredient that can be used in both sweet and savoury meals and snacks! In this post, we’ve included our top 9 pistachio butter uses and recipes!
pistachio health benefits
Our premium pistachio butter is made with dry-roasted organic pistachios, which are not only delicious but also happen to have many benefits:
• Powerful Antioxidants - Two carotenoids - lutein and zeaxanthin are responsible for the green hue, along with chlorophyll. Carotenoids are antioxidants that can improve your immune system and provide you with protection from disease.
• Protein - With 6 g protein per 1 oz serving (or 2 tablespoons of pistachio butter), pistachios are an excellent source of plant-based protein.
• Vitamins and Minerals - Pistachios are a great source of vitamin B6 (25% DV), thiamine (20% DV), and copper (20% DV). They also contain potassium, magnesium, iron, and calcium.
• Healthy Fats - Pistachios contain 12 g of healthy unsaturated fats per serving including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. Read more about healthy fats here!
1. spoon it
Are you a purist? If so, you're going to want to enjoy pistachio butter by the spoonful, right from the jar. Sometimes the simplest options really are the best!
2. spread it
Whether sourdough toast or sweet potato is your jam, pistachio butter makes a perfect topping (and news on the street is that pistachio toast is the new avocado toast!)
3. pistachio mylk lattés
Mix 1-2 tablespoons with 8oz hot water and you've got yourself some pretty instant pure organic pistachio milk. You can use a battery operated whisk for this step, or, you can throw in the blender for an extra smooth mylk – and don't be shy to add in a date or two in the blender for a lil' sweetness! See how to make a pistachio mylk latté here!
4. pistachio butter salad dressing
This roasted delicata squash and kale salad with pistachio butter dressing is a new favourite recipe to make this fall! The pistachio butter dressing adds a nutty, sweet flavour and creamy texture that perfectly complements the massaged kale, squash, pomegranate and apple!
5. pistachio basil pesto
This simple pistachio basil pesto is easy to make, and irresistibly delicious served up on chickpea or lentil pasta! The organic pistachio nut butter adds a rich, nutty flavour that pairs perfectly with the fresh basil and zesty lemon flavours.
6. pistachio butter smoothie
Pistachio butter makes a great savoury addition to your daily smoothie. Add a dollop or two and blend with the rest of the ingredients to give a creamy texture and delicious flavour! Our high protein green smoothie (without protein powder) incorporates pistachio butter along with daily nourish for a satiating breakfast smoothie!
7. pistachio butter muffins
Did you know that you can make paleo, gluten-free, vegan, and absolutely DELICIOUS muffins with any of our nut butters? Use this recipe for hazelnut butter banana muffins – just swap the hazelnut butter for equal parts pistachio butter! They are perfectly balanced, filling, and naturally sweetened – yet no one will know they are healthy ;)
8. pistachio butter energy bites
It’s easy to slip into the habit of snacking unhealthily throughout the day, but these energy balls are a great way to snack sensibly, and they’re delicious to boot. If you want an ultimate balanced and healthy, vegan pistachio treat, try our pistachio energy bites. If you have some butter leftovers and fancy trying something a bit different, try the recipe below. This is a really easy one to prepare too - we made these energy balls in less than 10 minutes.
- 1 cup of pistachio flour
- 1 cup of pitted dates
- ¼ of a cup of nomz pistachio butter
- ⅛ of a cup of maple syrup
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 tsp matcha powder
- ¼ of a tbsp of orange zest
- 1 tbsp of shredded coconut
- 1 tbsp of fresh orange juice
- A handful of crushed pistachio kernels
Method for pistachio energy balls
- Put all of the ingredients except the crushed pistachio kernels into a blender, and blend
- Roll small handfuls of the mixture into bite-sized balls
- Sprinkle the crushed pistachio kernels on top
8. pistachio butter on ice cream
Try melted pistachio butter drizzled onto your ice cream for a healthier alternative to chocolate sauce. Simply warm in the microwave for 20 to 30 seconds until melted, and pour it over your ice cream. The contrast of cold ice cream with warm pistachio butter makes for a great combination!
There you have it - some of our favorite ways to use pistachio butter in delicious and creative recipes! Let us know if you have any other inventive ways of incorporating your nomz pistachio butter into your diet, and we’ll include your ideas in our next list of recipes.